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10 leadership qualities of real leaders

What makes good leaders at the core? What qualities do they exhibit?

We all know them, miserable leaders, annoying bosses and incompetent managers. Bad leaders come in all shapes and colors, and we usually know intuitively what these people are doing wrong. But what makes a good leader at their core is something we ask ourselves less often.

So let's do it together...

Good managers have excellent leadership skills and are therefore true leaders. They get things done. They also inspire and lead the way at the same time.

But what exactly makes a leader?

First of all, it should be noted that there is no blueprint for the ideal leader. After all, leaders all possess their own unique characteristics. Nevertheless, we have managed to compile 10 essential qualities of real leaders.


#1 Leaders know how to trust

Trust is the be-all and end-all in any interpersonal relationship, and relationships within a company are no exception - quite the opposite, in fact.

That is why you as a leader must learn to trust. Only then will you have the ability to delegate tasks to your employees, but also to take opinions, expertise and aspirations into account in meetings. Trust is never a one-way street. By giving your employees the autonomy they need to manage files and projects, you enable them to develop to their full potential and work more efficiently. And let's face it, good leadership means just that. Leadership empowers people to do their best.


#2 Leaders set clear and realistic goals

Relevant surveys regarding employee expectations show that 40% of respondents emphasize the need for a clear shared vision and strategy to give meaning to daily activities. Indeed, the lack of a shared vision for the future within a team, and more broadly within any organization, is a trigger for employee discomfort and ultimately leads to a loss of cohesion. So inspire by clearly communicating your company's vision and goals so that everyone understands how their individual contribution enables shared success.


#3 Leaders embody the values of their company

Young people are increasingly applying to companies whose activities they find meaningful. Therefore, it is necessary to unite teams around strong values. Leaders accomplish this by sharing company values with others while embodying them. Your actions should therefore reflect the values of your company. This affects your own satisfaction and the satisfaction of all employees. After all, we humans like to do meaningful work.


#4 Führungspersönlichkeiten ermöglichen den Austausch und den Transfer von Wissen

It is important that you create an environment that favors moments of sharing and knowledge transfer. And not only between the members of your team, but also when you integrate a new employee. Your goal should therefore be to develop your team, make it grow in its competence and release talent.


#5 Leaders reward good initiatives

It's the small victories that move your team forward every day, so pay attention. When an employee's initiative is successful, share the good news and results with the rest of the team. This shows that every effort is rewarded and therefore increases motivation within your team. Words are not expensive and more importantly, true recognition never loses value.


#6 Leaders encourage things to change

Innovation is vital to any team or organization. Your job as a leader, therefore, is to encourage your team to develop and test new ideas or initiatives. Rely on the collective intelligence of your employees. Enable them to create real progress through freedom and thought leadership.


#7 Leaders know how to take care of themselves

Moods are contagious, good or bad. A healthy lifestyle will allow you to overcome any problem in a positive way. Remember to allow yourself time to relax, time to engage in a sporting activity, for example. Your employees will thank you for this.


#8 Leaders communicate transparently

A good leader, more than anyone else, must communicate transparently and sincerely in all situations. A leader must be able to show understanding and give encouragement when success is imminent. But equally, he must take responsibility for mistakes and do so without distorting reality. Your credibility is at stake with every lie and half-truth, so don't risk them in the first place. If you are also open and transparent, your team members will also feel freer to speak up. You can then use this valuable feedback again.


#9 Leaders can listen

The ability to listen is a crucial prerequisite for good communication. Because only when you listen properly can you get to know your colleagues and adapt your communication for optimal impact.

Listening is a skill, but one that is unfortunately often neglected. But when used well, it has the power to create a climate of safety.

Because only if you really listen, your employees will feel heard. This may sound simple, but it is actually incredibly difficult. However, the positive effects are countless. Because when your employees feel heard, you will dare to talk more about their concerns and this will enable you to find common solutions. You may see problems that you would otherwise have missed.


#10 Leaders have convictions

Leaders, however, not only have convictions and beliefs, but they also express them loud and clear. For this to succeed, you must have enough confidence in your abilities and qualities to take the risk of voicing your ideas whenever necessary. But having confidence doesn't mean not having humility. You need to use that confidence to support your ideas and projects, as well as those of your employees. Therefore, always remember: You, too, could be wrong and will be wrong one day.


What now?

Don't we all know it: we read a blog article, it interests us too, but somehow we can't implement what we've written. Don't worry, you are in good company! People have a hard time learning new things, even the smartest minds on earth can only easily acquire those things that really interest them. However, there is a trick or two that can make learning new things easier.

Intellect and emotions are the key words. Let's start with emotions:

Before you led a team, you were probably under the responsibility of a manager. What was that like? What did you expect from a manager since then? What traits or qualities made your previous managers good leaders? Do you remember the expectations you had then, what you particularly valued? Put yourself back in your past and think about it sharply.

Now let's bring in the intellect. Write down the answer to all these questions. Answer all these questions in writing and you will realize your answers suddenly take on a whole different dimension. People do learn primarily through imitation, but then through repetition. Thinking about something is one thing, writing it down is quite another. Written things have a completely different quality than just thought things.

Take advantage of this fact and become a real leader!


Effective Communication & The Art of Listening

These qualities are among the most important as a leader, and yet not many master them.




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